Torch White LED Light Glove

Torch White LED Light Glove

The new conceptual torch light designed by Slovenian designer Tilen Sepic, is something that has been picked straight out of the sci-fi movies. The whole idea of the concept as per the designer is to produce a working light without the hassle of shadows being reflected in the object. The device is supposed to be […]

Transform Your Cell Phone to A Box to Play

Transform Your Cell Phone to A Box to Play

The cell phone market has reached a stage wherein all the manufacturers are vying for their own pace. Today phones are not just phones but something beyond. Like the new phone that is a resultant of KDDI; this concept phone normally can be used as a phone, however the same unfolds to become a music […]

LUPE : Digital Camera for Magnifier Concept

LUPE : Digital Camera for Magnifier Concept

What do you think it is? Touch screen Camera? Well, it is “Lupe” that has left behind transparent touch screens and optical quality glass lenses. It basically magnifies pictures near and far for almost micro level quality. The mechanism of this device is quite unique and different because you just have to touch that thing […]

Can Silence Alarm Clock Wake Me Up ?

Can Silence Alarm Clock Wake Me Up ?

Though it’s a necessity in our every day life the alarm clock is an equally important device but the jarring sound that is a part and parcel of the device is something that ensures that you wake up but in the process wakes up others as well! But the new alarm clock designed by Johan […]

Wacom Cintiq 12WX is Your Digital Sketch Book

Wacom Cintiq 12WX is Your Digital Sketch Book

For the creative professionals the new Wacom Cintiq 12WX is definitely an essential tool that has been designed just for their daily needs. It is portable, and state of the art digital sketch pad which comes handy when one is not placed permanently at a given place. The sketch pad connects to the laptop while […]

B&D Messenger for Users with Visual and Hearing Impairment

B&D Messenger for Users with Visual and Hearing Impairment

The new B&D messenger is a revolutionary device designed for users with visual and hearing impairment, enabling them to communicate easily with the regular cell phone user. The basic working of the device is that it is connected to computer and the internet which translates Braille to text and vice versa thus sensing and receiving […]


Portable Search Engine Concept with GPS for Travelers

Seek is a portable search engine or you can say it’s a guiding device by Jukka Roitto. This portable search engine is a helpful guide for people stuck in an unknown city. The device is meant to help novice and experienced looking for local theaters, restaurants, clubs etc. The device puts into use of the […]


Hyperice Normatec 3 Legs Dynamic Air Compression for Faster Body Recovery

Hyperice releases Normatec 3, the next generation of dynamic air compression to raise your wellness and performance. It’s the next evolution of Normatec Series where it uses dynamic air compression to provide faster body recovery and it is loved by athletes as it helps optimize their training and performance. It features Normatec’s patented precision pulse technology that increases your blood […]

Tuvie's Staff Picks
Using FreeWind, You Can Control Each Area Temperature Freely

Using FreeWind, You Can Control Each Area Temperature Freely

Now you do not need to depend on others for having your choice of temperature at workplace or home because Free Wind is going to solve this problem. It is ceiling mounted air conditioner with customizable air flows. This innovative and very useful product is design by Hyun Jin Yoon and Eun Hak Lee. It […]

Cybertek Wings with Made From Carbon Fiber and Extruded Aluminum

Cybertek Wings with Made From Carbon Fiber and Extruded Aluminum

Wish to fly? Here is something cool. Cybertek Wings have designed these mechanical wings made from carbon fiber and extruded aluminum. You just need to flip the switch and these mechanical wings will start extending 7 times before the air pressure be recharged which normally takes 5-10 minutes. Not only this, these wings can slow […]

Future Apple Wearable Video Screens ?

Future Apple Wearable Video Screens ?

Apple is coming up something amazing that can change your look and style. One of the tech researchers has done a research on Apple future design book and found that Apple will be soon developing wearable video screens. As per researchers, Apple along with Sony is investigating to design screen that can be worn inside […]

Unique Photographic Experience with “Object” by George Watson

Unique Photographic Experience with “Object” by George Watson

George Watson has designed his new gizmo which he has named as ‘Object’. He says that it’s a photographic experience, as the main inspiration for designing the product was to relate the digital data with the physical object and create meaningful links between them. He has won the vetch telecommunication award for this innovative product […]

Cool Gaming Keyboard Concept

Cool Gaming Keyboard Concept

This gaming keyboard is perfect for you who are crazy about playing each and every game that enters the gaming market. This gaming keyboard is surely for you because it can speed up the way you play games. Check out this new gaming keyboard with new attractive design. It is very small in size and […]

The FuChat, An Environmentally Friendly Phone Concept that Detects Your Emotions

The FuChat, An Environmentally Friendly Phone Concept that Detects Your Emotions

The FuChat is a cordless phone for the home that can make both Internet calls and regular calls. The FuChat is also an interactive tool that allows users to increase their emotional self-awareness. The FuChat phone has sensors that can detect changes of tone in a person’s voice and changes in body temperature, in order […]

Stay Focus by Using Active Sound Isolation (ASI)

Stay Focus by Using Active Sound Isolation (ASI)

Who does not want to have peace and silence in the environment? ASI system  – Areal grants you what you are looking for. ..PEACE. This device looks like a Surround Sound system but in actual it helps you with stress caused by noise around you. The device uses its principle of sound wave transference to […]

Eneloop N-SC1S Solar Cell Charger from Sanyo

Eneloop N-SC1S Solar Cell Charger from Sanyo

Hybrid car and Solar panels on our roof is nothing new, but now all you can have the “Eneloop Solar Cell Charger N-SC1S”. This charger can charge your electronic devices in an eco-friendly manner. It allows you to charge and use your Eneloop batteries more than 100 times. This device has the capacity to charge […]