Introducing world’s first flatpack lantern, BioLite BaseLantern combines innovative edge lighting with Bluetooth connectivity that allows you to control your light via your smartphone. The light features pretty compact form with shareable energy and smarter control, it’s a portable lighting solution that functions as you own miniature smartgrid. BioLite explains that this light is no bigger that your sandwich yet it can provide you with enough light to illuminate a large area.
Experience big light, shareable energy, and smarter control with the world’s first connected flatpack lantern. You can charge your mobile devices, it doubles as portable powerbank to your smartphones, tablets, music players, and many more. The integration of Biolite string lighting allows you to extend it around the site. Using your smartphone, you can unlock all functionality of this mini smart grid, you can enjoy features like full color control, real time energy analytics, and proximity activation.
From : BioLite
BioLite BaseLantern uses the same principles in fiber-optic cables where it can reduce the rechargeable batteries into thin, durable, bright sheet of light. Using edge-lighting instead of traditional diffusing lenses, this device doesn’t waste any space, it features the same brightness yet four times smaller compared to the same portable light in its class.