Vessyl Mug Detects Brands and Flavors of Your Drinks

Vessyl Mug Detects Brands and Flavors of Your Drinks

Vessyl Mug looks like ordinary mug except that this one is equipped with smart technology. The smart sensor can tell you specific brands or flavors of what you’re drinking through the app, but if you’re just drinking apple juice or orange juice, and there are no particular differences between brands, the app won’t tell you […]

Samsung Galaxy Gear : A Perfect Companion to Your Samsung Galaxy and A Stylish Wristwatch

Samsung Galaxy Gear : A Perfect Companion to Your Samsung Galaxy and A Stylish Wristwatch

Samsung has introduced Samsung GALAXY Gear to become your perfect companion to your Samsung Galaxy, it also serves as a wristwatch. This smart device enhances your experience with Samsung Galaxy even further with its tailored technological features and stylish design. It’s been developed to make your life easier and more enjoyable, it integrates smart technology […]