Mimo Smart Baby Monitor Sends Essential Information about Your Baby in Real Time

Mimo Smart Baby Monitor Sends Essential Information about Your Baby in Real Time

Mimo Smart Baby Monitor is a set of organic cotton baby kimono and non-contact machine washable sensors (Mimo Turtle) that monitor baby’s respiration. Together, the kimono and Mimo Turtle keeps an eye on the baby’s skin temperature, body position, activity level, and of course respiration. All this data is sent to Mimo Lilypad Base Station […]

Bo-Bi Baby Care Kit by Jeff Huang

Bo-Bi Baby Care Kit by Jeff Huang

Bo-Bi Baby Care Kit is a set of baby monitor that keeps an eye on your baby and his/her health. Every baby is a treasure that’s worth every sleepless nights and pressure, parents will do anything to keep them safe. This baby care kit has been designed to help the task easier. It consists of […]

Standalone Smart Baby Monitor Detects When The Child Is Uncovered with Blanket

Standalone Smart Baby Monitor Detects When The Child Is Uncovered with Blanket

The Standalone Smart Baby Monitor is an excellent monitoring device that helps detect when the infant is uncovered, which would be compatible supposedly with most digital video baby monitors available on the market today including Philips AVENT, Chicco as well as Weewell. This baby-monitoring device has been designed especially for loving parents who care greatly […]

Loofa : Organic Shaped Baby Monitor Design

Loofa : Organic Shaped Baby Monitor Design

Loofa body shape was inspired by the butternut squash. The sleek and simple body shape is enough to house all the components required as monitoring device and light. The main function of this device is as baby monitor, you can mount it to the ceiling where the wide angle camera captures the image of the […]