Rivulet Radio Project Aims To Capture Your Interest with New Style and Technology

The main idea behind Rivulet Radio project is the focus on interactivity. The radio has lost its place in the house and on the road. The Rivulet radio focuses on capturing your interests from a stream into your playlist using tags. The project focuses on a radio that uses the interest of the user to create a network of followers and categories. Creating an atmosphere for authors and listeners, this radio focuses on finding content in a network with personal similarities and individual connections.

In details, Rivulet Radio a cube that splits into a stereo speaker and radio control system. It can be carried out of the house, so the mobility is the main focus here. The radio can connect to WIFI and Bluetooth networks for capturing and syncing content. The Rivulet is a fusion between the retro and the modern visual, it switches between two personas, the broadcaster and the listener providing a diverse content for all spheres.

Designers : Funfere BodioWei, Isaac and Meng-ping

Rivulet Radio Project by Funfere BodioWei, Isaac and Meng-ping

Rivulet Radio Project by Funfere BodioWei, Isaac and Meng-ping

Rivulet Radio Project by Funfere BodioWei, Isaac and Meng-ping

How Rivulet Radio works?

There are 3 basic interaction points on the radio that branch into other smaller functions. The first basic button is the on and off function which leads you into a password screen for your own personal account. After which you have the choice of going into the regular scheduled radio system or accessing your personal stream. Within this stream you get live record updates and you can also record for anyone listening to your channel. The microphone on this radio can be found behind the radio and ingeniously merged to fit the aesthetics. The second button is a circular scroll selection interface that lets you switch between channels. This interaction point lets you navigate through the internal preferences of the user. The last but not final button is used to increase the volume and search for stations on the bandwidth.

Value and Potential of Rivulet Radio

The user will have the ability to interchange between a live stream radio and a playlist created by a collection system. Like any basic electronic communication device, this radio will have options for all facets of life with the specific city you are in. In conclusion the main points of impact will be on Socialization, composing, searching, recording, distribution and categorization.

Rivulet Radio Project by Funfere BodioWei, Isaac and Meng-ping

Rivulet Radio Project by Funfere BodioWei, Isaac and Meng-ping

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