FLOOME Personal Breathalyzer by 2045Tech

FLOOME Personal Breathalyzer by 2045Tech

FLOOME is the first personal breathalyzer that you can carry anywhere with you without the need to recharge. It’s a great solution to test your blood alcohol content (BAC), it is claimed to have professional-grade accuracy just like those bulky and costly professional equipment. So the goal is pretty clear here, it is to design […]

Shake MP3 Player Uses Kinetic Energy to Charge The Battery

Shake MP3 Player Uses Kinetic Energy to Charge The Battery

Do you know the motion of your body can actually charge an MP3 player? Yes, it is something new and exciting. Shake is a design concept that makes use of kinetic energy in order to charge the battery. A person just needs to shake his/her body for recharging the battery. Just turn on the “Hold” […]