R1 Concept Car for 2030 by Nicholas Evans

R1 Concept Car for 2030 by Nicholas Evans

R1 concept car for 2030 uses hydrogen fuel cell technology to produce zero emission vehicle, yep, an engine that burns pure hydrogen produces zero pollution. As you can see here, this future car features F1 box shaped body design, it’s definitely not conventional design that you’ve seen before. Instead of wheels, R1 users spheres for […]

TrakRok ATV Trike by Alexei Mikhailov Is Powered by Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technology

TrakRok ATV Trike by Alexei Mikhailov Is Powered by Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technology

The TrakRok is a terrain vehicle which provides a new alternate plan intended for off-road mobility in all seasons. It comes under the category of trike. It consists of enables to have two wheels and is driven independently by electric motors. It has an independent track system which is driven directly. This third propulsion derivative […]


Hand-Crafted Leather Tools Roll Bag with 11 Slots and a Metal Buckle

Leather Tools Roll Bag is a functional organizer for handyman. Build to last, this bag would organize your treasured tools in a quality, hand-crafted leather bag. The roll bag is designed to carry a heavy load, there are multiple slots (11 slots) that accommodate different tools, keeping them organized and easy-to-access whenever and wherever you need them. Those cover flaps help prevent […]

Tuvie's Staff Picks
Powertrekk Fuel Cell Charger Provides Instant Power Anywhere For Your Gadgets

Powertrekk Fuel Cell Charger Provides Instant Power Anywhere For Your Gadgets

Outdoor enjoyments are a real fantasy, provided you have all the necessary things with you. But, what if your gadget runs out of power? This can make you geeky. Well, worry no more! Power your gadget right away with the new PowerTrekk fuel charger. This small and handy fuel charger acts as a lightweight charger […]

UVO : Urban Vehicular Ovalon by Alexei Mikhailov for 2021

UVO : Urban Vehicular Ovalon by Alexei Mikhailov for 2021

For the future, it seems that single passenger mobility unit is becoming more and more popular idea. Designed by Alexei Mikhailov, UVO (Urban Vehicular Ovalon) provides the needs of urban vehicle in more and more crowded urban environment. This vehicle has a unique oval form with 2 parallel axis that geometrically is an all-rounded balanced […]


Pholeum Transportation Unit with Efficient Next Generation Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technology

The idea of Pholeum transportation unit concept is based on the living cell tissue structure of a plant that can carry organic nutrients to any part of the plant where required. This vehicle has been designed as a personal mobility unit based on an ideal transportation means for mega-cities, which has made riding this eco-friendly […]

Honda FC Future Sports Car with V Flow Fuel Cell Technology

Honda FC Future Sports Car with V Flow Fuel Cell Technology

The new FC Sport fuel based car from Honda was recently displayed at the LA Auto Show is one traffic stopper. The designers have taken into their advantage the flexibility which is extended by the fuel cell powertrain as it is placed on the back of the driver. It’s a 3-seater with the styling of […]