Corsair Folding Electric Longboard for College Students

Corsair Folding Electric Longboard for College Students

A resident company of the MIT Sandbox Innovation Fund Program, Corsair Longboards, has been relentlessly pursuit perfection. Electric longboards have become popular among students, riding this board has become their favorite way to get to class, but not without issues. Many students are struggle to get into the class because they have to move around […]

Boosted Dual+ Electric Skateboard – Light to Carry and Fast to Ride

Boosted Dual+ Electric Skateboard – Light to Carry and Fast to Ride

Designing and developing urban transportation is no longer just about utilizing advanced technology, it should also about making electric vehicles affordable and accessible to everyone. Boosted has introduced Boosted Dual+, it’s an electric skateboard powered by 2000 watt twin brushless-dc motors. The new upgraded and tuned software allows this board to increase its torque and […]