Digital Voice Recorder Enables Capturing Loud, Clear And Distinct Sound

Digital Voice Recorder Enables Capturing Loud, Clear And Distinct Sound

During the last quarterly meeting of my office, I used the voice recorder of my cellphone to capture the speech of our managing director so that I can review his instructions later. But alas, hope I would have a Digital Voice Recorder, so that I never had to end up with hard to understand, hazy […]

Snowflake Speaker Can Produce Distinct Sound And Dock Your iPhone With Style

Snowflake Speaker Can Produce Distinct Sound And Dock Your iPhone With Style

The enjoyment of people when snowflakes fall from the sky can be beaten by the snowflake on your tabletop for sure, because it can rock you with your favorite music stored in your beloved iPhone. Sylvain has designed the most unusual snowflake that has never been seen in the sky, the snowflake speaker system where […]