Bus Stop Shelter Design by Gavin Harvey Simplifies The Operational Logistics of Forthcoming Public Transport Infrastructure

Bus Stop Shelter Design by Gavin Harvey Simplifies The Operational Logistics of Forthcoming Public Transport Infrastructure

A bus shelter has been designed for the purpose of developing a real time final year project of an industrial designer, Gavin Harvey. This innovative bus stop is capable of charging an electric bus wirelessly. It is also built-up with a mechanism to charge mobile phones and laptops. It simplifies the working logistics of next […]

Stunning Asus Waveface Laptops Will Drive You Crazy

Stunning Asus Waveface Laptops Will Drive You Crazy

These concept laptops by Asus have been designed with lots of innovative features to dominate the headlines over the near future era. These next generation gadgets can attain the attention of all range of users with their unique shape and functional qualities. The Waveface watchphone with its bendable feature can stick on the wrist of […]

You Can Keep D-Roll Laptop Inside A Tube

You Can Keep D-Roll Laptop Inside A Tube

D-roll is a next generation concept laptop design which is way distinctive from usual laptops in both shape and function. The long tube shape of this laptop, which was inspired from the storage tubes that artists are using for storing large drawings, eliminates perception of the traditional book looking laptops. This multifunctional laptop has two […]