Green Your Campus + Stella-An Innovative Ecological Awareness Generating System

Green Your Campus + Stella-An Innovative Ecological Awareness Generating System

Going green is one of the most concerned issues in today’s world and industrial designer Julien Bergignat envisioned the students as a distinguished part of saving the environment through his innovative combination of Green Your Campus plus Stella concept. A survey showed 48% of the students though that “Trashes & Recycling” was the most critical […]

WashUp, Reuse Waste Water

WashUp, Reuse Waste Water

Going green also means saving water. Do you know that we use around 150 litres of water for a washing machine ? After that, the water will go down the drain just like that, when we actually can reuse it. “Washup” is a conceptual design integrating washing machine with toilette-flush. It suggests a sustainable water […]


Allarna Iron – Elegant Iron Chiminea witn Internal Fire Grate

Allarna Iron is a beautiful wood burning outdoor fireplace crafted from heavy-duty cast iron construction. This iron Chiminea would be a great addition to your backyard, a modern version from terracotta chiminea made from durable steel with internal fire grate. It’s easy to build a cozy wood-burning fire whenever you want, perhaps […]

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