Voice-Controlled Omni Smart Speaker Concept Works With Your Smart Home

Omni Smart Speaker has been designed to become one of next-generation smart speakers. As a concept, this device is developed to control and connect with your other smart home appliances intuitively and easier. It has sleek, modern design with auxiliary display, yes, it looks pretty cool.

Omni Smart Speaker by One Object Design Studio

Designed by One Object Design Studio, Omni Speaker is not just another device that emits sound, it provides you with real-time visual feedback about what’s happening around you. It displays clock, date, temperature, weather, or other status such as Wi-Fi connection to motion detection. As a smart speaker that integrates well with your smart house, of course, Omni is capable to turn your lights on/off, adjust your thermostat setting, or open the door lock. It receives your voice commands straightforward and executes it right away.

Omni Smart Speaker by One Object Design Studio

Omni Smart Speaker by One Object Design Studio

Omni Smart Speaker by One Object Design Studio

Omni Smart Speaker by One Object Design Studio

Omni Smart Speaker by One Object Design Studio

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