Twistair is the result of long-term collaboration between 2sympleks and Trendak Aviation engineering team. It’s a futuristic two-seater tandem gyrocopter or the team proudly refers it as “motorcycle of the sky”. After many months of work, researches, consultancy with mechanics, pilots, and future users of the machine, it is safe to say that Twistair allows you to travel safely and comfortable without having to deal with traffic jam. It’s a private air travel available in 3 options: full body kit where all cockpit is covered, semi-opened, or front window only. Feel the wind on your face while you enjoy the city view from above.
Designers : 2sympleks and Trendak Aviation
Featuring a maximum speed of 145km/h (90mph), riding this grycopter in opened version would give you exceptional experiences, feel the intense of the speed. Twistair can fly up to 4000m (13,120 ft) and theoretical maximum range of 660km (410 miles) with cruise fuel consumption 18L/h or 4.75gallons/h. Currently the prototyping is in progress and official premier is scheduled for 2018, it looks pretty good so far.
More images of Twistair Two-Seater Tandem Gyrocopter:
Super, love to sample, ideal for Hawaii, CA, AZ NV LA FL, TN, need 4-5 place seat models & cargo module for camping gear for Helicamping.