An eco friendly Twist Stovetop Kettle, it ensures no water loss during the heating process thank you to its inner circulation design. With water scarcity issue that affects every continent in this world, it’s really important to develop sustainable product as well as resource saving. Using our conventional water kettle, there’s 25% of the water lost during boiling, Twist kettle tries to solve this problem by eliminating the loss of water as well as saving energy from reducing the heating-process time.
Designer : Hakan Gürsu
Twist Stovetop Kettle features innovative water cycle system where water and steam are preserved in the body and circulated. It encourages you to use less water since it reduces the possibility of burning out the kettle by leaving on the stovetop due to its water cycle system. Each kettle can accommodate up to 1.5 liters capacity, suitable for single living persons and families. This product also works just like a thermos, it keeps the content hot in an insulated container after removed from the stove, thus reheating might not necessary.
Tuvie has received “Twist Stovetop Kettle” project from our ‘Submit A Design‘ feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their design/concept for publication.
It's quite an innovative idea but to be honest I'm not really sure if it would work. Your rationale of designing this way is to minimize the water loss by circulating the water vapor back. It's a brilliant idea. But as the temperature increases, the pressure inside will increase as well and that's why, I believe, you added a pressure relieve valve. When the pressure relieve valve open due to pressure build up inside the boiler, the water vapor inside would be released, resulting water loss as well. Condensation would be very unlikely to happen unless the temperature in the funnel is much lower compared to boiler temperature. Looking at the material, aluminum, it would be very unlikely to happen. If your objective of the design is to eliminate water loss, I doubt this idea would work.
As an overall package, this design looks really cool though