This design is great news for you who love nomadic lifestyle. Wide Path Camper is micro mobile home that is light enough to be hauled around with your bike. Even though the space might not be as amazing as Colim Caravan concept, this micro home provides you a space enough for sleeping or relaxing, it is able to protect you from the heat of the sun or rainy days. Inside you’ll find simple bed and sitting area along with a small table, it offers better sleeping condition compared to conventional tent. Even though the company claims this tiny home is lightweight, in our opinion, it would still require extra energy to pull 40kg (unloaded) caravan. We highly recommend that you use electric bike with better brake just in case you have to ride down the hill while towing this tiny home.
The solar cell can be installed on the roof just like Taku Tanku Little House to harvest unlimited energy of the sun which then transformed into electricity to power light or recharge your gadgets.
Designer : Mads Johansen