The Four looks like a computer tablet to us, however it seems that this touch screen device features simpler functions to its user, travelers to be exact. It comes with WI-FI technology so that you can download some basic information with its easy to use interface. Inspired by four basic seasons, this device features four basic functions of portable gadget. Wi-Fi technology enables you to checkout the local weather conditions and forecast for the day you can mount this tablet on the wall where you can easily checkout the current update at a glance.
Designer : Marko Vuckovic
The Four touch screen device can also act as a music player where you can enjoy relaxing music while keeping up with the weather conditions. It can also act as digital photo frame on its AMOLED screen that provides you high gloss photo viewing experience. You can simply touch the screen to get any additional info of the photo. Travelers can book their flight easily with The Four, since it is equipped with custom app to help the booking process easier while keeping your credit card information securely.
Tuvie has received “The Four Innovative Device ” from our ‘Submit A Design‘ feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their design/concept for publication.
Nice finishing, but It can be integrated for the KNX/EIB system?
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