Taiwan’s Golden Pin Design Award 2015 is here again, it encourages international companies to submit their products which are especially designed and developed for huaren (Chinese speaking) market. This design award opened its doors to international design community back in 2014, for the first time. Well, the result is amazing, a record breaking 1901 products and projects was submitted from 8 countries and regions, and you know what, 40% of 416 Design Mark winners were from outside Taiwan.
This award aims to celebrate world’s most innovative designs for the huaren market, the award executor, Taiwan Design Center, has high hoped that those numbers from 2014 will increase in 2015 since media and public attention on Taiwan also increases in the lead up the World Design Capital 2016. Wenlong Chen, CEO of the Taiwan Design Center, says that this year, they hope they can attract more countries to test the viability and inventiveness of their products in huge, diverse huaren market.
Just in case your company or yourself has special products for Chinese speaking country or region, you are eligible to enter Golden Pin Design Award. There are 4 categories available: Product Design, Visual Communication Design, Packaging Design, and Interior Design. Each product/project is assessed in 3 stages by an expert jury, all winners would accept a Gold Pin Design Mark as an indicator of their innovation in this special market. They will also enjoy great brand exposure through public and media relations of Golden Pin Team.
Thank you so much for the wonderful write up. We hope to attract many international entries this year!