A.C.R First Aid Equipment With Easy Installation and Simple Operation

A.C.R First Aid Equipment With Easy Installation and Simple Operation

Our existing first aid equipment is for trained people who know how to use it, but A.C.R, a newly designed first aid equipment can be used by most people to achieve the purpose of saving lives in an emergency situation. In an emergency situation, it is difficult to report and rescue quickly at the same […]

AmoebaBAND : Band Aid Concept With Adjustable Shape for Different Areas of Your Hand

AmoebaBAND : Band Aid Concept With Adjustable Shape for Different Areas of Your Hand

AmoebaBAND was inspired by amoeba, a shapeless unicellular organism which is able to adjust its shape to its environment. Based on this concept, these industrial designers have come up with improved band-aid concept design, so that the same band-aid can be used in different areas after tearing into shape. Hands are our body parts where […]