Aquakit : Water Carrier System for Remote Rural Areas

Aquakit : Water Carrier System for Remote Rural Areas

Aquakit has been designed to help numbers of villagers in Turkey that still live without water plumbing systems. These people still have to manually carry water from nearby fountains (or not so near) back and forth several times in a day. Aquakit offers an affordable and durable system that improves the life standards of these […]

WaterWheel Water Carrier for Urban India

WaterWheel Water Carrier for Urban India

In India, collecting and carrying water is women’s responsibility. In rural areas, they have to carry water from distant sources and most often than not, a day’s supply of water means multiple trips to the local well. WaterWheel has been designed to help these women to improve the experience of collecting, storing and using the […]

Futuristic RollTop Foldable Notebook with 17-inch OLED Display and Full Fledged Keyboard

Futuristic RollTop Foldable Notebook with 17-inch OLED Display and Full Fledged Keyboard

The RollTop is a flexible notebook concept that can be folded like a roll of paper allowing the user ultimate convenience of carrying and storing it even in a congested place. It features a 17” flat-screen OLED display when fully rolled out with the multi-touch facility that will offer the ease and functionality of that […]