100 BPM : Simplified Chest Compression Tool for Anyone to Perform CPR at The Right Frequency and Pressure

100 BPM : Simplified Chest Compression Tool for Anyone to Perform CPR at The Right Frequency and Pressure

In case of emergency when someone needs CPR, 100 BPM Simplified Chest Compression can be very handy as they are not many people know how to give a proper one. It helps increasing the success rate of administering CPR to an adult after cardiac arrest, it gives feedback to the rescuer through sound and light […]

Canova Dual Touch Screen Laptop Should Be Here by 2010

Canova Dual Touch Screen Laptop Should Be Here by 2010

A lot of concept gadgets are coming up primarily to utilize the human senses. Of course the sense of touch is what is being utilized the maximum with many touch screen devices being developed. When almost every latest phone is touch screen can laptops be left behind? An Italian company V12 design has devised ‘Canova’ […]


Allarna Iron – Elegant Iron Chiminea witn Internal Fire Grate

Allarna Iron is a beautiful wood burning outdoor fireplace crafted from heavy-duty cast iron construction. This iron Chiminea would be a great addition to your backyard, a modern version from terracotta chiminea made from durable steel with internal fire grate. It’s easy to build a cozy wood-burning fire whenever you want, perhaps […]

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