Weaving a Home : A Concept Tent for Refugees

Weaving a Home : A Concept Tent for Refugees

Weaving a Home is a unique structural fabric that functions as tent shelters. This project is based on history where human has developed in alternating waves of migration and settlement. People move from one point to another, across the earth led by the discovery of new territories or by the creation of new communities to […]

Solar Floating Resort 2 by Michele Puzzolante

Solar Floating Resort 2 by Michele Puzzolante

Solar Floating Resort 2 (SFR) is the latest concept model from Michele Puzzolante after this industrial designer shared with us the round Solar Floating Resort. He also mentioned that investors from Philippines are showing great interest in this project, well hopefully it becomes reality, this could be our next holiday gateway. Just like the first […]


Hand-Crafted Leather Tools Roll Bag with 11 Slots and a Metal Buckle

Leather Tools Roll Bag is a functional organizer for handyman. Build to last, this bag would organize your treasured tools in a quality, hand-crafted leather bag. The roll bag is designed to carry a heavy load, there are multiple slots (11 slots) that accommodate different tools, keeping them organized and easy-to-access whenever and wherever you need them. Those cover flaps help prevent […]

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