Gran Marlin 46 Yacht by KeyframeStudio

Gran Marlin 46 Yacht by KeyframeStudio

Gran Marlin 46 yacht is a winning project of the 2012 Millenium Yacht Design Award (MYDA) that brings you the classic sport lines of Fisher-man boats in the form of a large-motor yacht. Designed by KeyframeStudio, a Florence based yacht design studio, this yacht design translates the classic style into today’s modern yacht design language. […]

Efi Space Divider : Unique Office Divider Concept by Mathieu Servais

Efi Space Divider : Unique Office Divider Concept by Mathieu Servais

Efi Space Divider is a unique concept from Mathieu Servais as the result of an important user study where he realized today’s issues that most employees have to deal with in an open space office. Instead of creating boring cubicle dividers, he designed a ring-like object to enable office workers to isolate themselves from their […]


Hand-Crafted Leather Tools Roll Bag with 11 Slots and a Metal Buckle

Leather Tools Roll Bag is a functional organizer for handyman. Build to last, this bag would organize your treasured tools in a quality, hand-crafted leather bag. The roll bag is designed to carry a heavy load, there are multiple slots (11 slots) that accommodate different tools, keeping them organized and easy-to-access whenever and wherever you need them. Those cover flaps help prevent […]

Tuvie's Staff Picks
Utopia Yacht : A Vision of Future Yacht by BMT Nigel Gee and Yacht Island Design

Utopia Yacht : A Vision of Future Yacht by BMT Nigel Gee and Yacht Island Design

Utopia Yacht is an ambitious project from BMT Nigel Gee in partnership with Yacht Island Design. It gives you a glimpse of an avant-garde future yacht that breaks the traditional naval architectural mould into a truly unique look free from any conventional design constraints. Utopia Yacht has been designed with spanning over 11 decks and […]

J88 Yacht by Jad Bek al Shaikh

J88 Yacht by Jad Bek al Shaikh

Yachts in general are very impressive and attract every visitor who wishes to spend their vacation at the sea. With a perfect and a compact design, yachts seem to have grabbed the attention of many. Aside from those popular mega yachts available today, the J88 yacht by Jad Bek al Shaikh is a small and […]

Luxurious Audi Carbon Ski by Audi-Concept Design Munich

Luxurious Audi Carbon Ski by Audi-Concept Design Munich

When it comes to skiing, a good pair of skis, weighting fewer grams and made of high quality materials is very crucial. Of the number of skis available today, the novel Audi Carbon Ski takes skiers to the next level. Created by the Audi-Concept Design Munich, these skies are designed in such a way to […]