Whisk Concept Integrates Yolk Separator In Its Design

Whisk Concept Integrates Yolk Separator In Its Design

We’ve seen Pluck Yolk Extractor which allows you to separate the yolk from egg white effortlessly, now we’ve found another tool that gives you the same benefit. It’s actually a whisk with a twist. Separating yolk from egg white can be easy for Martha Stewart, but for me, I usually end up creating a mess […]

Joki Cooking Device Saves Wasted Energy While Cooking And Reuse It To Warm Your Meal

Joki Cooking Device Saves Wasted Energy While Cooking And Reuse It To Warm Your Meal

Joki cooking device was a concept design submission for Hermes 2011 contest. It’s a cooking device that integrates an energy saving technology which can be carried around effortlessly. Do you know that during cooking we release energy in form of vapor in the air? And then during the meal we try to keep the heat […]


Retrofuturism Firebird Nixie Tube (Numitron) Watch in Metal Body

Metal body, sapphire crystal, water splash and dust resistance, this retro futuristic Firebird Watch would look handsome on your wrist. Those cool USSR military grade numitron vacuum tubes (“IV-9” 1970s) display time in such a way that would make people stare in awe. The watch body is crafted from […]

Tuvie's Staff Picks
INFO Live Concept Gadget Connect You To The World Through Your Bracelet

INFO Live Concept Gadget Connect You To The World Through Your Bracelet

As wearable gadget, INFO Live takes the shape of bracelet, simple and comfortable. INFO Live concept PC is a data organizer that allows you to connect to the internet world. This concept PC has the ability to transfer data information to any hardware and person any moment in time of need. This gadget can alert […]