Windball Eco Friendly Cooler by Jaesik Yun

Windball Eco Friendly Cooler by Jaesik Yun

Windball eco friendly cooler takes advantage of the evaporation process to lower the temperature in a room. An electric fan has simple mechanism to chill the room by creating the wind from its rotating propeller, yet it actually creates more heat in the room. An air conditioner (AC) uses adiabatic expansion of the thermodynamics to […]

Sorena Foldable Urban Street Bicycle by Mahdi Momeni

Sorena Foldable Urban Street Bicycle by Mahdi Momeni

Sorena foldable urban street bicycle has been designed for both men and women. The sporty design encourages young people to use it, especially for urban street since this bike can be easily folded by unlocking 2 levers using simple mechanism. User can easily carry it while in a train, a bus, or public places to […]