Navia Self-Driving Electric Shuttle Car Is A Great Alternative to Public Transports in Urban Areas

Navia Self-Driving Electric Shuttle Car Is A Great Alternative to Public Transports in Urban Areas

Navia Self-Driving Electric Shuttle Car is the result of partnership between Induct Technology and Switzerland’s Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). It is said that Navia is world’s first automated electric shuffle car that offers eco-friendly alternative to public transports or private cars in urban areas. This vehicle can accommodate up to 8 passengers with […]

Orion Public Transport Concept – Mobility for Urban India

Orion Public Transport Concept – Mobility for Urban India

Orion Public Transport Concept has been designed for India urban environment. With increase in population growth in India, the cities have also seen drastic growth in housing/building groups that offer different facilities such as shopping malls, parks, health care facilities, and many more. There will be millions of residents that have to travel on regular […]


RIMOWA Never Still Canvas Travel Backpack – Luxury Traveling Backpack

RIMOWA Travel Backpack is part of Never Still collection. Just like Flap Backpack, this model is also designed with flexibility in mind. Made in Italy, each bag is crafted out of premium materials such as durable canvas and full-grain leather, it comes with an exterior large zipped pocket where you can keep […]

Tuvie's Staff Picks
Self Balancing Electric Unicycle Is Available for $2,700

Self Balancing Electric Unicycle Is Available for $2,700

Hammacher Schlemmer just got something new in its catalog, Self Balancing Electric Unicycle which you can actually buy. We’ve seen many concepts about unicycle but most of them are just concept or still at prototype stage, but if you are willing to spend $2,700, you can get a real one from Hammacher. It’s a cool […]

Open Mirror by Digital Habit(s)

Open Mirror by Digital Habit(s)

Open mirror is a unique mirror that you can use to hear music by connecting it to your music player or smartphone. Thanks to its advanced sensor based interface, you can control the music without touching the screen. When in stand-by position, the mirror features a full oval shape. The shape is divided in the […]

BionicOpter Robotic Dragonfly Was Inspired by Complex Flight Characteristics of A Dragonfly

BionicOpter Robotic Dragonfly Was Inspired by Complex Flight Characteristics of A Dragonfly

Dragonfly has complex flight characteristics, and Festo has managed to incorporate these sophisticated mechanisms into BionicOpter robotic dragonfly. Just like a real dragonfly, this robot is extremely light, can fly in all directions, hover in mid-air and glide without beating its wings. In order to control flapping frequency and twisting of each wing, there’s amplitude […]

Magnetic Resonance Helmet Features 500 Sensors for Better Spatial Resolution and Built-In Entertainment Function For The Patient

Magnetic Resonance Helmet Features 500 Sensors for Better Spatial Resolution and Built-In Entertainment Function For The Patient

Magnetic Resonance Helmet utilizes 500 individual MRI sensors that work as a phased array to provide details levels of imaging in spatial and temporal terms. Our conventional method of observing brain is to use fMRI, it’s non-invasive however it has demonstrated a lack of spatial resolution and temporal resolution. That’s why patients have been subjected […]

Motherspoon : You Can Duplicate Your Mom’s Recipes Easily

Motherspoon : You Can Duplicate Your Mom’s Recipes Easily

There’s nothing like mother’s cooking, right? If you love your mom’s cooking as much as I do, then no matter what and where you eat, you would still think “hey .. my mom’s cooking is better than this.” . Motherspoon is a unique device that enables us to duplicate the exact recipe that our mom’s […]


Ember Self-Heating Espresso Cup Makes Your Drink at Perfect Temperature for Up To 1.5 Hours

Ember Self-Heating Espresso Cup offers an ideal size for your espresso-based drinks. This 6oz cup allows you to keep your coffee hot for premium coffee experience. Furthermore, Ember Cup is a smart cup where you can set your preferred drinking temperature, drink your cup of joe just the way you like it. The perfect temperature stays from the first sip to the last drop. Each cup has […]

Tuvie's Staff Picks
Virtual Graffiti for Graffiti Artists to Practice Their Skills Without Destroying Public Walls

Virtual Graffiti for Graffiti Artists to Practice Their Skills Without Destroying Public Walls

Graffiti is drawing or writing on a wall or other surface in public, we can say graffiti is an art and getting more popular by days as people get fascinated by it. Unfortunately, most of these artists just can’t help themselves even though they know drawing on some of the public walls is illegal. Virtual […]

Xbox 360 Wireless Speed Wheel : Intuitive Steering with Motion Sensors

Xbox 360 Wireless Speed Wheel : Intuitive Steering with Motion Sensors

Experience the real thrill of steering and feel every wallop in the road with the new Xbox 360 Wireless Speed Wheel. It is more manageable, simple and lightweight in construction featuring an oversized trigger behind each grip. The Xbox 360 wireless wheel stays compatible with your desired racing games, allowing you to take complete control […]

Maestro Music Player Features Gyroscope Sensors For Interactive Music Experience

Maestro Music Player Features Gyroscope Sensors For Interactive Music Experience

Maestro music player offers you the ability to create, arrange, listen your own rhythms in addition use it as a microphone in karaoke mode. What makes it unique? It delivers interactive music experience with its gyroscope sensors. You can move it to the left or to the right to get different tones of pre-selected instruments […]

Future Amphibious Hybrid Concept Vehicle with Intelligent Wheel System

Future Amphibious Hybrid Concept Vehicle with Intelligent Wheel System

Amphibious Hybrid is a concept vehicle which was created under an industrial design course project. This intelligent and superbly designed car has adjustable tire and the ability to analyze particular terrain and change the shape of the tire automatically as required. The tires are able to open up if required depending on the terrain. When […]

Cooker Sense Band as Your Cooking Aid to Avoid Over Cooked or Fire

Cooker Sense Band as Your Cooking Aid to Avoid Over Cooked or Fire

All of us are aware of the major problem that people face due to cooker fires. Companies have been finding solutions for this problem but check out this Cooker Sense Band is designed to for cooking aid. This band creates a communication with the sensors inside the cooker and allows user to control cooking as […]