Moleculair 3D Food Printer to Provoke Innovative Ideas of Cooking

The Moléculaire concept is actually a marriage of science and cooking, which is actually a 3D molecular food printer. This device is inspired by chefs who painstakingly and scientifically experiment with food to surprise the guests and provoke innovative ideas of cooking. The Moléculaire simplifies the existing hectic, tough and time consuming process of food […]

Digifire, Hi-Tech Clean Burning Ethanol Fireplaces

Digifire, Hi-Tech Clean Burning Ethanol Fireplaces

You must have heard about eco-friendly fireplaces which are generally known for their unique designs. Unlike other eco-friendly fireplaces, Digifire is a high-tech clean burning fireplace created to run on a highly refined ethanol which is nonstop fed into the fire. The continuous fed ethanol allows it to burn for 13-25 hours. If you have […]