Standing Broom Prevents The Bristles From Becoming Bent

Standing Broom Prevents The Bristles From Becoming Bent

I always hang my broom to avoid bending the bristles, this is a great way to maintain the useful life of the broom. However, there are times when I have to stop to rest where walls are distance away, I simply would have to lay the broom on the floor, or even when there’s a […]

ReGenTherapy Therapeutic Shower Head Relaxes Your Neck

ReGenTherapy Therapeutic Shower Head Relaxes Your Neck

ReGenTherapy Therapeutic Shower Head provides casual therapy for a neck pain. Based on many researches, this industrial designer has learned that there’s a need a custom product that would sooth neck pain by focusing on pressure points. He focuses on different objects which are already recognized for their functionality and simplicity but it has to […]

Wacom Sketcher Digital Sketchpad Concept For Illustrators and Graphic Designers

Wacom Sketcher Digital Sketchpad Concept For Illustrators and Graphic Designers

Sketcher Digital Sketchpad concept is a design proposal for Wacom as one of the world’s leaders in professional graphic devices. This cool tablet has been designed specifically for illustrators and designers to enhance their drawing experience. We know that our current tablets can be used to draw using special graphical applications, however, they usually don’t […]

BearHug Inflatable Vest Has Been Designed To Improve The Lives of Children with Autism

BearHug Inflatable Vest Has Been Designed To Improve The Lives of Children with Autism

BearHug Inflatable Vest is one of award wining designs from RedDot concept which aims to improve the lives of children with autism. Autism has become growing concern for parents as this disorder affects as many as one in every 91 children in US. Bearhug works by providing evenly distributed pressure to kid’s body with sensors […]

Bridgestone Airless Tire : No More Flat Tires!

Bridgestone Airless Tire : No More Flat Tires!

In the future, there’s a possibility that you will no longer have flat tires, ever! Bridgestone Crop has developed a new tire technology which no longer relies on air pressure like our existing tires. If Bridgestone airless tire technology could be implemented on all vehicles, we would no longer need to carry vehicle pump in […]

RFID Tire Monitoring Tool by HJC Design

RFID Tire Monitoring Tool by HJC Design

RFID Tire Monitoring Tool was designed by HJC Design when they were asked to develop a wireless tire pressure monitoring tool to complete in North American market. As you probably know, Pressure Monitor Systems (TPMS) are now required on all new vehicles, it’s an electronic system to monitor air pressure of a vehicle tire and […]

Futuristic Volkswagen Aqua Air-Cushion Vehicle

Futuristic Volkswagen Aqua Air-Cushion Vehicle

Volkswagen Aqua is a Chinese off-road based vehicle. It has an imminent approach of futuristic means of transportation powered by hydrogen and driven by impeller. It functions with several engines and the major one drives the fan and is accountable for elating the vehicle by giving high pressure air below the craft. This blow up […]

Phase 2.0 Futuristic Vehicle Can Handle Wider Variety of Terrain

Phase 2.0 Futuristic Vehicle Can Handle Wider Variety of Terrain

Well it is difficult to imagine what transportation in future would like with the way designers are coming up with innovative vehicle designs. That being said, if you had to ride to your organization in the new concept Phase 2.0, you certainly wouldn’t have much to criticize about, specially because it features TRON-like lighting over […]

With Innovative Blu Bottle Concept, You Don’t Need to Refill Again !

With Innovative Blu Bottle Concept, You Don’t Need to Refill Again !

Blu Bottle combines a superb innovative design with mechanical processes and doesn’t require any high tech electronics or reliance on batteries to perform. By using the most underused source of energy in the world, the human energy, this bottle can harness the user’s kinetic energy via a manual pump, various pressure chambers and valves. Blu […]