The Space Invader Couch Can Provide Comfortable Seating With Unique Appearance

The Space Invader Couch Can Provide Comfortable Seating With Unique Appearance

Yes, no seat belt has been incorporated with this chair and No, you don’t have to get panicked at all since it is not going to take you to the outer space with blackout velocity. The appearance of the space invader couch may give an impression to the viewer that it has been designed to […]

Colored : A Suitcase with Built-in Whiteboard and Markers for Children to Play

Colored : A Suitcase with Built-in Whiteboard and Markers for Children to Play

Colored is a suitcase shaped entertainment box designed to eliminate the boredom that children usually face during waiting for a bus, train or plane at rest stops. Colored with its integrated whiteboard and markers can offer the fun and pleasure that requires the children from distracting their tedious moments by encouraging interesting playing event between […]