Hosu Single Seat Lounge Chair Creates Personal, Relaxing Work Environment

Hosu Single Seat Lounge Chair Creates Personal, Relaxing Work Environment

Yes, we definitely want Hosu single seat lounge chair in our office here. Designed by Patricia Urquiola, this interesting chair promotes spreading out while working, whether you are at home, hotel room, or any other business environments. It’s like your personal space to get your work done in a relaxed environment. This is the first […]

Twilight Interactive Kinetic Lamp by Min Su Kim

Twilight Interactive Kinetic Lamp by Min Su Kim

An industrial designer Min Su Kim has come up with a brilliant concept – TWILIGHT. If you observe its shape, it appears to be changing. Yes, it doesn’t feature a fixed shape, but changes its form to create aesthetic illumination. TWILIGHT is more streamlined and is comprised of 23 flat pieces. Each piece rotates at […]


Hand-Crafted Leather Tools Roll Bag with 11 Slots and a Metal Buckle

Leather Tools Roll Bag is a functional organizer for handyman. Build to last, this bag would organize your treasured tools in a quality, hand-crafted leather bag. The roll bag is designed to carry a heavy load, there are multiple slots (11 slots) that accommodate different tools, keeping them organized and easy-to-access whenever and wherever you need them. Those cover flaps help prevent […]

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