Dr. Joy : Cute Pill Dispenser for Children

Dr. Joy : Cute Pill Dispenser for Children

Children most often than not hate to take medicines, this is where Dr. Joy plays an important role to make the experience more joyful. Usually parents have to mix medicines with drinks or simply raise their voices in order to force their children to take medicine for their own good. However, when parents raise their […]

Black Jack GT Car by Yaroslav Yakovlev

Black Jack GT Car by Yaroslav Yakovlev

Black Jack GT car has been designed as design study to learn about engineering package design by Yaroslav Yakovlev. The project goal is to learn the possibility of designing innovative exterior car design that blends very well with its engine. The style surface was inspired by previous Ferrari Enzo 2060 project of this automotive designer […]

Future Technology : Gogol Mogol Egg Packaging by KIAN

Future Technology : Gogol Mogol Egg Packaging by KIAN

In the future, cooking eggs will be as easy as pulling the package. “Gogol Mogol” is an ambitious project from KIAN, we know that boil eggs can be very time consuming, so how bout a new way of cooking, storing and of course, packing eggs? The package design enables store owners to sold these eggs […]

Sprig Lamp by Victor Vetterlein

Sprig Lamp by Victor Vetterlein

Sprig lamp design was inspired by the fresh growth of plants. Get one for a pendant light, get multiple and combine them, you’ll get a chandelier. Combining this lamp is possible thanks to its accessory package that contains threaded sleeves, a clip-on electrical cord, plug, and screw-in outlet. Sprig is made of recycled plastic, the […]

X-Mini 2nd Generation Capsule Speaker Review

X-Mini 2nd Generation Capsule Speaker Review

Hello Folks, I have received my X-Mini 2nd Generation speaker a couple of days earlier and have really amazed with what I got for as low as 15 pounds. Let me be a bit more elaborative… Starting from the package I received, a cool sleek package with the heading “Audio Revolution in a Box”, which […]