PreVue Fetal Visualization Device by Melody Shiue

PreVue Fetal Visualization Device by Melody Shiue

Melody Shiue, an industrial designer of the University of New South Wales has designed a product called, PreVue. It is an e-textile based device that employs latest stretchable display technology over the abdominal region, letting other family members to connect with the fetus in its context. Not only PreVue gives you the chance for interacting […]

D:Scribe Digital Pen Helps You Send Emails and SMS by Writing It Down on Paper

D:Scribe Digital Pen Helps You Send Emails and SMS by Writing It Down on Paper

D:Scribe is a digital fountain pen designed by Reuben Png, a student of New South Wales University, that will allow you to send email messages and SMS from paper. All you have to do is write down the message by using the keyboard or keypad, whatever you name it, and circle the name of the […]


Allarna Iron – Elegant Iron Chiminea witn Internal Fire Grate

Allarna Iron is a beautiful wood burning outdoor fireplace crafted from heavy-duty cast iron construction. This iron Chiminea would be a great addition to your backyard, a modern version from terracotta chiminea made from durable steel with internal fire grate. It’s easy to build a cozy wood-burning fire whenever you want, perhaps […]

Tuvie's Staff Picks
Celsius Modular Fridge Concept To Meet Your Requirements

Celsius Modular Fridge Concept To Meet Your Requirements

Angeline Meloch, a design student of University of New South Wales has designed Celsius which is a modular refrigerator, able to be configured by the users as per their preference. There are four cabinets of this concept refrigerator and each cabinet has a touch sensitive control panel, allowing a selection from 5 temperature alternatives for […]