Dexta – User Friendly Device for Motor Skills Rehabilitation

Dexta – User Friendly Device for Motor Skills Rehabilitation

Designed as special device for motor skills rehabilitation, Dexta aims to revolutionizes traditional rehabilitation methods. This innovative device provides a comprehensive range of workouts, tailored to individual needs. Thanks to the power of technology, the system of Dexta is capable to empower patients that need to take charge of their recovery journey from the comfort […]

Convenient Excrement Medical Device for Bedridden Patients with Removable Pouch

Convenient Excrement Medical Device for Bedridden Patients with Removable Pouch

There are certain products designed to manage long term fecal incontinence in a patient. Convenient Excrement Device is a concept medical device designed to deal with nursing problem when it comes to deal with disabled patients. The creative design offers a solution for quick changing containter, it helps to solve problem of inconvenient excretion of […]


Retrofuturism Firebird Nixie Tube (Numitron) Watch in Metal Body

Metal body, sapphire crystal, water splash and dust resistance, this retro futuristic Firebird Watch would look handsome on your wrist. Those cool USSR military grade numitron vacuum tubes (“IV-9” 1970s) display time in such a way that would make people stare in awe. The watch body is crafted from […]

Tuvie's Staff Picks
Airy Scoliosis Brace Features Modern and Adjustable Design for Teenagers

Airy Scoliosis Brace Features Modern and Adjustable Design for Teenagers

Airy Scoliosis Brace has been designed to eliminate typical brace’s limitations of long-term fabrication which is low patient compliance and non-recyclability. With Airy, patients can easily adjust the brace to accommodate their bodies such as future growth for three years, it is made possible by Airy’s repositionable feature. Inspired by scoliosis brace built by UNYQ […]

Hyperice X Provides Hot and Cold Therapy with Constant Temperature as Needed

Hyperice X Provides Hot and Cold Therapy with Constant Temperature as Needed

Hot and Cold Therapy can speed up healing or reduce inflammation, but switching between hot or cold compress can be troublesome. Hyperice X is an advanced hot and cold therapy device that’s available into your hands at an affordable price. Coming out of an elite locker room into your living room, Hyperice X provides contrast […]

Wearable Transcutaneous Oxygen Sensor Concept for Ason

Wearable Transcutaneous Oxygen Sensor Concept for Ason

Designed for Ason Co., Ltd., Transcutaneous Oxygen Sensor is a concept wearable device that directly measures oxygen level of tissue right beneath your skin. Oxygen is carried by blood, a good blood flow helps would healing, therefore, this type of device is often used to measure the ability of tissue to effectively heal itself. This […]

Modern Breathe Universal Respirator by Daniel Farmer

Modern Breathe Universal Respirator by Daniel Farmer

Our modern and urban lifestyle has led us to poor air quality, affecting our respiratory health. Breathe Universal Respirator concept uses pharmaceutical salt to treat respiratory conditions, trying to help millions of people in the world that suffer from asthma. Medical devices are usually associated with bad stigmas, people also find it as a bad […]

Core Patient Recovery Vest Performs Automated Triage to Reduce Paramedics’ Workload

Core Patient Recovery Vest Performs Automated Triage to Reduce Paramedics’ Workload

Core Patient Recovery Vest has been designed to enable first responders to perform triage. Triage is a step of determining priority of patient’s treatments based on the severity of their conditions, it helps prevent medical shock in patients during mass casualty incidents such as natural disasters or train crashes. In a mass casualty accident, such […]


Ember Self-Heating Espresso Cup Makes Your Drink at Perfect Temperature for Up To 1.5 Hours

Ember Self-Heating Espresso Cup offers an ideal size for your espresso-based drinks. This 6oz cup allows you to keep your coffee hot for premium coffee experience. Furthermore, Ember Cup is a smart cup where you can set your preferred drinking temperature, drink your cup of joe just the way you like it. The perfect temperature stays from the first sip to the last drop. Each cup has […]

Tuvie's Staff Picks
Poktu Supplements Dispenser by Lukas Avėnas

Poktu Supplements Dispenser by Lukas Avėnas

In the future, you might not need doctors to get some basic medical check-up. Poktu Supplements Dispenser would like to replace 50% of what doctors do, this medical device maintain your health from the comfort of your own home. Simply place your hand over it for a few second, Poktu will measure various aspects of […]

Scanadu Scout Scanner Tracks Your Vital Signs of Your Body

Scanadu Scout Scanner Tracks Your Vital Signs of Your Body

Scanadu, a company that focuses on mobile and sensor technology to help you taking care your health easier. This company has developed Scanadu Scout, a scanner with sensitive sensors that helps you to conduct sophisticated physical exams by providing vital sign monitor of your body. This device works as if it reads your mind, place […]

tH2O Medical Bracelet Monitors Hydration Levels of Your Body

tH2O Medical Bracelet Monitors Hydration Levels of Your Body

tH2O medical bracelet is a design submission by Maeva Berthelot, it’s a concept wearable device for elderly people. Due to the loss of thirst notion, the dehydration of the elderly is frequent and may generate health problems. This medical bracelet assists the elderly people by reminding them to drink and allowing them to watch their […]

Stratos Endoscopic Carpal Tunnel Release System by Carbon Design Group

Stratos Endoscopic Carpal Tunnel Release System by Carbon Design Group

Stratos Endoscopic Carpal Tunnel Release System is an innovative all-in-one surgical device designed by Carbon Design Group. This medical device offers simple user interaction and empowers surgeons to restore patient dexterity. Do you know that there are millions of people affected by Carpal tunnel syndrome? It’s pretty painful and more often than not debilitating condition, […]

Holographic Psychology Medical Device Concept by Yansel Herrea

Holographic Psychology Medical Device Concept by Yansel Herrea

Holographic Psychology device is certainly a modern medical device to help psychologist detect patient’s neurological damage, if any. Our conventional neurological examination requires EEG to measure brain activity, this equipment contains all exams from the Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Battery and transforms them into holographic display to test various parts of brain. The feedback will be shown […]

Aero Mobile Oxygen Features Practical Backpack with Integrated Remote Control

Aero Mobile Oxygen Features Practical Backpack with Integrated Remote Control

The oxygen concentrator Aero is designed primarily for mobile use. Aero Mobile Oxygen helps people with lung defects to supply their body with oxygen. Aero has the advantage that no logistical effort for refilling is necessary. The concentrator has a comfortable handle, a flat design and can easily be integrated into everyday life. In many […]

Medical Feather Makes IV Injection Easy and Painless

Medical Feather Makes IV Injection Easy and Painless

For beginner nursing students, finding a viable vein for injections or IV’s can be really difficult this can lead to more scarring and patient’s traumatic experience. Medical Feather is an innovative medical device concept that allows simple procedures to do intravenous easily and painless. It consists of Doppler ultrasound and thermal patch. Doppler ultrasound helps […]

Flo2W : An Innovative Way In Regulating Oxygen Flow To The Patient

Flo2W : An Innovative Way In Regulating Oxygen Flow To The Patient

Being in the hospital taking car his dad, James D’Arcy found out there were so many issues with the current respiratory masks. The poorly attach flimsy strap kept loosening and causing pain above the ear, the top of the mask was causing pain in the bridge of the nose and led to skin sores developing […]