Art Detector For Graphic Designers To Identify Font and Color

Art Detector For Graphic Designers To Identify Font and Color

Art Detector is a little tool that all graphic designers must have. Just its name suggests, this device detects font types and sizes as well as colors, simply place it on the image surface such book, magazine, poster, etc., it will give you the information about the font and color. Identifying typefaces is not always […]

FloodHopper : A Self Inflating Life Raft for Flash Flood Disaster Areas by James Barford

FloodHopper : A Self Inflating Life Raft for Flash Flood Disaster Areas by James Barford

The Floodhopper has been designed for flash flood disasters areas. Its main features that make it different from other rescue boats, is that it can be inflated from inside the home or the occupied building. This life raft is capable of feeding through narrow stairways and doorways, enabling the victims to escape in safety without […]


Retrofuturism Firebird Nixie Tube (Numitron) Watch in Metal Body

Metal body, sapphire crystal, water splash and dust resistance, this retro futuristic Firebird Watch would look handsome on your wrist. Those cool USSR military grade numitron vacuum tubes (“IV-9” 1970s) display time in such a way that would make people stare in awe. The watch body is crafted from […]

Tuvie's Staff Picks
Foldable and Compact Table and Chair for Traveling

Foldable and Compact Table and Chair for Traveling

Inside this little round bag, you’ll find foldable table and chair that can be very handy when you need to work while on-the-go. It’s meant to be used for single person, simply open this bag and it reveals a chair and some pipes to support the table. You can use it to work on laptop, […]

Snake Futuristic Car by Liwen He

Snake Futuristic Car by Liwen He

Snake futuristic car was inspired by the flexibility of snake’s bone that allows it to move smoothly through narrow tunnels. In this way, when you’re driving in narrow streets, you can easily move forward sneaking around other vehicles smoothly. This unique car adapts to different kinds of road, it is a problem solving for parking, […]

Bubble Baby Bed : Futuristic Baby Crib That Was Inspired by Russian Tumbler Toy

Bubble Baby Bed : Futuristic Baby Crib That Was Inspired by Russian Tumbler Toy

Bubble Baby Bed is definitely not your traditional baby crib. It was inspired by the image of a baby sleeping in a cloud of soap bubbles, but this bed is not just a fantasy of futuristic crib, it’s functional as well as emotion-evoking child care appliance. Watch as the baby cuddle on this futuristic cloud-like […]

Module Soteria Temporary House for Disaster Survivors

Module Soteria Temporary House for Disaster Survivors

Module Soteria is designed to provide temporary home for people in a disaster zones in a very short period of time. All the equipment inside this module is pretty standard. It has dimensions of a 40ft shipping container where each module can be transported by different modular chassis. These chassis are: crawler chassis for extreme […]

TCOOTER = TWEEL + Scooter by Eric Han

TCOOTER = TWEEL + Scooter by Eric Han

This was a concept design project for Michelin with goals to create an affordable, adaptable, and efficient method of transportation suitable for India. “TCOOTER” means “TWEEL” + “Scooter”, in connection to Michelin’s “TWEEL” which means “Tire” + “Wheels”. Suspensions of this vehicle will be replaced by technology of “TWEEL” and additional shock absorbing flexibility within […]

Sunrise Solar Powered Thermal Airship Reduces Operational Costs and Allows You to Enjoy Longer Flight Duration

Sunrise Solar Powered Thermal Airship Reduces Operational Costs and Allows You to Enjoy Longer Flight Duration

Sunrise Solar Powered Thermal Airship has been designed to achieve airborne missions based on low speeds and long flight duration for e.g. observations, expeditions, patrolling, filming or simply for recreational. Compared to Helium, Sunrise offers lower performance however since it utilizes hot-air as its lifting gas, this transportation dramatically reduces operational costs. The Fresnel lens […]

Enjoy A Beautiful Summer Concert on Allochroous Yacht

Enjoy A Beautiful Summer Concert on Allochroous Yacht

Allochroous Yacht is the winner of 2012 Millenium Yacht Design Award (MYDA) in Dream Boat Category. Designed by Ezgi Aksan, Turkish designer, and Ambra Ceronetti, Italian designer, Allochroous…an adjective in English which means “changing color” which these two designers think as the best name to represent their yacht design. Allochroous Yacht features transformable body and […]

Cronos Yacht Design Concept by Simone Madella and Lorenzo Berselli

Cronos Yacht Design Concept by Simone Madella and Lorenzo Berselli

Cronos Yacht Design concept is a design submission from Simone Madella and Lorenzo Berselli, Italian students who are currently studying BYT (bike, yacht and train) class at the European Institute of Design. Cronos Yacht Design concept has received a special mention in the “Young Professional” category during the Millenium Yacht Design Award (MYDA) with special […]

Urban Vehicle Project by Rudolf Mihu

Urban Vehicle Project by Rudolf Mihu

This Urban Vehicle Project was a final project of Rudolf Mihu for his Bachelor’s degree in product design. The reason why he chose to design this vehicle was because Rudolf is a fan of transportation design, but not in the area of engine powers, performances and cutting edge stylish design, but rather in its mobility […]

Nissan Guardian All-Terrain Vehicle Design For The Year of 2030

Nissan Guardian All-Terrain Vehicle Design For The Year of 2030

Nissan Guardian concept was an all-terrain vehicle design proposal for Yu-lon Nissan’s “Future Car Concept Design” in Taiwan. These automotive designers will take you to the year of 2030 where MRT system will be completely developed in major countries. Driving a car will become a sport or a recreational activity. Inspired by a leopard which […]

Wacom Sketcher Digital Sketchpad Concept For Illustrators and Graphic Designers

Wacom Sketcher Digital Sketchpad Concept For Illustrators and Graphic Designers

Sketcher Digital Sketchpad concept is a design proposal for Wacom as one of the world’s leaders in professional graphic devices. This cool tablet has been designed specifically for illustrators and designers to enhance their drawing experience. We know that our current tablets can be used to draw using special graphical applications, however, they usually don’t […]

Busan Opera House Design Proposal by EMERGENT Architecture

Busan Opera House Design Proposal by EMERGENT Architecture

This Busan Opera House design proposal features a synthetic mountain architecture that stands in contrast to the horizontality of the Marine Culture District but still relates to the mountainous topography of the city. The opera house can be seen from all over the bay as a beautiful and strong silhouette that bounds to the characteristic […]

Aguas de Marco Residential Building by XP& Architecture

Aguas de Marco Residential Building by XP& Architecture

Aguas de Marco is a residential building designed by XP& Architecture in Venice, Southern California. This project employs advance technology and sustainable measure to build a cutting edge residential design. The main idea of this project is to combine the transparency of modern style case study houses with a second layer of adjustable exterior shading […]