Slow Human Powered Vehicle for Slow Travel and Authentic Traveling Experience

Slow Human Powered Vehicle for Slow Travel and Authentic Traveling Experience

SLOW project is a concept human powered mobility. Traveling is part of human experience, unfortunately mass tourism destroys environments, cultures, and economies. According to research, slow travel can emphasize social and environmental consciousness. Keeping this in mind, this project aims to design and develop a human powered vehicle which is optimized for high value yet […]

SteppGo – Human Powered Personal Transportation to Move Around the City

SteppGo – Human Powered Personal Transportation to Move Around the City

The conceptual design of SteppGo was developed within the scope of the topic Human Powered Mobility in Hybrid City Cairo. In a major capital city like Cairo, where cars dominate the streets, hours are wasted commuting on a daily basis. Due to the underdeveloped infrastructure, bicycle culture is barely present. This leads to time-consuming traffic […]

Mangalicanga 2-Seater Velomobile for The Big Cities

Mangalicanga 2-Seater Velomobile for The Big Cities

Mangalicanga was conceived as a response to future human transportation problems in the big cities. It is a 2-seater velomobile or human powered vehicle with aerodynamic narrower shell that makes it possible to have 2 vehicles in one lane side by side. Since it is powered by the driver, this vehicle is absolutely emission free […]

FWD : Human Powered Vehicle Concept

FWD : Human Powered Vehicle Concept

FWD is a human powered vehicle concept which is neither a bicycle nor a tricycle. Both configurations exist in the same product, and allow use on both streets and rails. The model is designed in order to bring forward an excellent steering, braking and shifting system. The seat is very comfortable and can be easily […]