Floow by Flex – It’s Not a Car or Bicycle but It Could Be The Future of Our Transportation

Floow by Flex – It’s Not a Car or Bicycle but It Could Be The Future of Our Transportation

It is not a car, it is not a bicycle. FLEX/the INNOVATION helped to develop FLOOW and designed it to be a unique and cool personal transportation vehicle. With the chain drive and bicycle pedals you get the necessary exercise when using FLOOW. The small electric motor helps you to develop a considerable speed and […]

Human Energy Recycle System Can Generate Energy From The Movement Of Users

Human Energy Recycle System Can Generate Energy From The Movement Of Users

The human energy recycle system is an innovative concept that can gather energy emitted by human or even pets. This energy is used to power other devices, ensuring a new lifestyle for mass people with reduced electric bills and complementing to the environment. The system comprises lightweight, compact and portable units named ‘Solution Units’, designed […]

Win-Solar Energy Bike by Chen Chun Tung

Win-Solar Energy Bike by Chen Chun Tung

Win-Solar Energy Bike concept is an intelligent electronic bicycle that is specially designed in a compact manner and can convert various natural power sources into electric power when the user rides it. This bike will enhance the efficiency of using energy sources like solar energy, wind energy, gravity electric energy and human energy, by converting […]