Eco-Friendly and Minimalist Levitation Bike With Triangular Frame

Eco-Friendly and Minimalist Levitation Bike With Triangular Frame

Levitation bike is an eco-friendly bicycle that charges your gadgets, from smartphones to tablets. It is mean to be used in our community since using this bike on the community scale would produce clean and sustainable energy, there’s a USB port hidden at the handlebars. The pedal power produces energy, thanks to on-board generator, which […]

Filip Wristwatch Is A Smart Locator and Phone for Kids

Filip Wristwatch Is A Smart Locator and Phone for Kids

We have featured Link Child Locator previously, a nice gadget to monitor children but unfortunately it stays just a concept at this stage. Filip Technology has come to the rescue, a locator device that has become world’s first smart locator and phone for kids. It’s the result of 3 years of research and development, a […]