SOLE Pocket Garden Allows You to Grow Your Food Hidden in Plain Sight

SOLE Pocket Garden Allows You to Grow Your Food Hidden in Plain Sight

Healthy lifestyle is getting popular by days, we prefer to consume products where we really know where they come from, preferably food that we’ve grown by ourselves. Sole Pocket Garden makes it possible to grow your food in a small living space, even in a place where access to natural light can be difficult. It’s […]

20 A’ Landscape Planning and Garden Winners from A’ Design Award and Competition

20 A’ Landscape Planning and Garden Winners from A’ Design Award and Competition

One important part of creating a comfortable home is to make sure that you have beautiful spaces for outdoor living. This is where a landscape designer can help, they will bridge the space between architecture and garden design. Some people enjoy landscaping so much they have gone beyond just “just for fun” activity, they turn […]