100 BPM : Simplified Chest Compression Tool for Anyone to Perform CPR at The Right Frequency and Pressure

100 BPM : Simplified Chest Compression Tool for Anyone to Perform CPR at The Right Frequency and Pressure

In case of emergency when someone needs CPR, 100 BPM Simplified Chest Compression can be very handy as they are not many people know how to give a proper one. It helps increasing the success rate of administering CPR to an adult after cardiac arrest, it gives feedback to the rescuer through sound and light […]

+-8 Wrist Watch : Read, Touch, or Feel The Time

+-8 Wrist Watch : Read, Touch, or Feel The Time

+-8 Wrist Watch is a great watch for visually impaired people, it expresses the time in a tactile expression. You can touch and feel the time, the watch face is made of flexible material, thus allowing the time to be displayed using emboss application. Simply pressing the button on the side of the watch allows […]


Hand-Crafted Leather Tools Roll Bag with 11 Slots and a Metal Buckle

Leather Tools Roll Bag is a functional organizer for handyman. Build to last, this bag would organize your treasured tools in a quality, hand-crafted leather bag. The roll bag is designed to carry a heavy load, there are multiple slots (11 slots) that accommodate different tools, keeping them organized and easy-to-access whenever and wherever you need them. Those cover flaps help prevent […]

Tuvie's Staff Picks
Hanging Chair by Yuri Kim

Hanging Chair by Yuri Kim

Do you hate empty wall? Hanging chair would be a great addition to fill the empty space of the wall, especially for indoor public place such as library or museum or bus stop. This furniture is made of canvas with wall mountable holder. It can use other flexible material to replace the canvas, such as […]

Transpiral is A Tramway with Spiral Structure

Transpiral is A Tramway with Spiral Structure

Spiral is a fascinating concept structure that can be compared with the nature and universe. The concept is to design a Tramway as a combined element leaving out-of-the-way the idea of interior and exterior. Integrating all the parts is the main intention, opening up in the way the inner side to the outer. This structure […]

Shooter, Very Cool Gun-Type Fire Extinguisher Concept

Shooter, Very Cool Gun-Type Fire Extinguisher Concept

Have you ever imagined to put the fire off in a cool way? Well, this fire extinguisher design is submitted by Eun Jung Kim might answer your question. Shooter is new gun-type fire extinguisher concept. The design addresses some of the many problems of existing fire extinguishers. A person does not need to approach a […]