MultiAT Is A Multi Functional Arthritis Tool That Helps User To Do A Range Of Daily Tasks

MultiAT Is A Multi Functional Arthritis Tool That Helps User To Do A Range Of Daily Tasks

People suffering from arthritis always face limitations or difficulties gripping or carrying things around during their everyday tasks and MultiAT, an innovative multi-functional arthritis tool concept, has been designed aiming to offer them functional aid. This stylish and handy tool is an outcome of extensive research that helps the user to perform a range of […]

SUAM Provides Audible Message About The Surroundings To Visually Impaired People And Let Them Interact

SUAM Provides Audible Message About The Surroundings To Visually Impaired People And Let Them Interact

Unless you are the main character of the movie “Black”, your visual limitation would never be able to stop you going out to the malls or travel through train and doing other things just like normal people with SUAM, an innovative support system for universal mobility. This useful concept comprises two functional elements, one is […]


Hand-Crafted Leather Tools Roll Bag with 11 Slots and a Metal Buckle

Leather Tools Roll Bag is a functional organizer for handyman. Build to last, this bag would organize your treasured tools in a quality, hand-crafted leather bag. The roll bag is designed to carry a heavy load, there are multiple slots (11 slots) that accommodate different tools, keeping them organized and easy-to-access whenever and wherever you need them. Those cover flaps help prevent […]

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