Project_Modified Proposes a Solution To Reduce Electronic Waste

Project_Modified Proposes a Solution To Reduce Electronic Waste

The amount of e-waste generated every year is around 50 million metric tons and it is expected to keep on increasing. Project_Modified wants to offer a solution to help reduce e-waste that ordinary users can participate in it. It helps electronic waste situation from user’s perspective, this project brings back old electric components to life […]

Google Ara Phonebloks Modular Smartphone Might Reduce Electronic Waste

Google Ara Phonebloks Modular Smartphone Might Reduce Electronic Waste

A modular concept smartphone called Google Ara Phonebloks might reduce electronic waste. Do you know that millions of mobile phones are throw away because they are broken or obsolete? Most of the time, the case within each phone is that it requires parts replacement or upgrade while everything else works just fine. Unfortunately, most phones […]