Kando Backpack Doubles As Tent For Anyone Who Loves Camping Alone

Kando Backpack Doubles As Tent For Anyone Who Loves Camping Alone

If you prefer to travel and camp alone, you shouldn’t travel without Kando backpack. Kando is a combination between an Alpine backpack and one-man tent, dual functions product. These two Swiss industrial designers characterized the perfect interaction of these two components perfectly. The materials and components have been chosen very carefully resulted in drastic volume […]

Day Shade Night Light Umbrella For Unique Lightening Experience

Day Shade Night Light Umbrella For Unique Lightening Experience

Day Shade Night Light Umbrella or DSNL Umbrella has dual functions for daytime and nighttime. During daytime, the umbrella will store the sun’s energy in its frame through flexible solar panel. This solar power can be used later during nighttime as a light. Its flexible OLED can be turned on to deliver unique lightening experience, […]