DualWash : Two Sided Dishwasher Doubles as Kitchen Cabinet

DualWash : Two Sided Dishwasher Doubles as Kitchen Cabinet

DualWash is a two sided dishwasher which can also be used as a kitchen cabinet. Waiting to load dirty dishes into your dishwasher and then do it all over again with the rest dirty dishes is our current problem with convential dishwasher. DualWash makes it possible to use full washing performance immediately after a single […]

Click n Cook Modular Spatula by Fred Ende

Click n Cook Modular Spatula by Fred Ende

Click n Cook Modular Spatula offers unique system that keeps all your kitchen utensils in one easy place, less cluttered utensil drawer. Simply snap the spatula attachment onto the handle or release with a click of a button to change the utensil. All parts are made of food safe plastic and dishwasher safe, cleaning won’t […]

CleaninCloud Carbon Dioxide Dishwasher by Kinga Key Grebosz

CleaninCloud Carbon Dioxide Dishwasher by Kinga Key Grebosz

Imagine if you don’t need to put the clean dishes out of the dishwasher! CleaninCloud Carbon Dioxide Dishwasher is an innovative ecological product which both washes and keeps dishes inside. The form, the localization on the wall and the principles of operation give a thriftiness of space, water and energy. Moreover, it doesn’t produce liquid […]

Cooking In Office Is Easy With Mono.Kitchen

Cooking In Office Is Easy With Mono.Kitchen

I’ve never thought of cooking in my office during lunchtime, because it’s too time consuming. Mono.Kitchen is a conceptual kitchen system for office. It’s been designed to provide convenience for cooking in office environment, less time consuming and more enjoyable. Its design makes this table the center of attraction during lunchtime. It’s like a long […]

Bubble Dishwasher Concept by Noah Beasley

Bubble Dishwasher Concept by Noah Beasley

Maintaining the dishwasher and getting the dirty utensils cleaned can be so exhausting. Well here comes bubble! A new concept dishwasher which can be said to be a powerhouse performer packed in the small size. Bubble Dishwasher cylindrical in shape with pores all over and it operates when submerged in water where it needs to […]

Your Food with High-tech Fete Concept Serving Plates

Your Food with High-tech Fete Concept Serving Plates

Serve your food in this thermoelectric tech. Using thermoelectric tech, you can maintain the optimum temperatures be it hot or cold. This way you can avoid your food reaches room temperatures which mean bacteria can run rampant. Did you know 12% of food born illnesses come from improper temperatures? Sure it may have been cooked […]