Bye-5 Room Light : Give Your Light High-5 To Turn On/Off

Bye-5 Room Light : Give Your Light High-5 To Turn On/Off

After a long day’s work, we may not pay attention to small things such as turning off the room light before leaving. Bye-5 is an light switch that intuitively reminds people to turn the light off by encouraging a “high-5′ interaction. The adorable hand-shaped look catches your attention, and the soft skin-like touch encourages a […]

RevOlve Kinetic Phone Improves The Life Cycle of The Mobile Phone

RevOlve Kinetic Phone Improves The Life Cycle of The Mobile Phone

How many of us use mobile phones effectively? Research shows that quite a number of people replace their cell phones very often resulting in the dumping of millions of mobile phones annually, which becomes an increasing e-waste problem. In order to improve the life cycle of mobile phones, these industrial designers have come up with […]

BeltBuckle Design with Sliding Condom Holder

BeltBuckle Design with Sliding Condom Holder

When you are preparing for a date, one of the most important things you carry is condoms. Obviously, neither any of you can afford to forget taking it with you, nor would like to carry this stuff in a way that can be easily spotted. This custom  designed beltbuckle is a handy belt buckle with […]

Help Lock with A Timer to Unlock The Door

Help Lock with A Timer to Unlock The Door

Bathroom accidents are getting a common issue every year with several cases resulting even in death because of being exposed too late. This concept Help Lock will be beneficial for not only the aged or people who are living alone, but also the usual home owners. An alarm and a timer are the key elements […]

The Chameleon Truck Concept for Cargo Transport

The Chameleon Truck Concept for Cargo Transport

Designed by Haishan Deng, The Chameleon is an innovative concept truck that has segmented body which enable the truck to adjust its size to fit the container. The resilient soft tarpaulin shelled body is strong enough to protect its cargo but also absorbs impacts in case of accidents. As an added benefit fuel savings abound […]