Solar Powered RAND Solara 33 Boat Features Authentic Danish Design

Solar Powered RAND Solara 33 Boat Features Authentic Danish Design

RAND Solara 33 Boat demonstrates the aesthetics of Danish design through sustainability and groundbreaking technology. It elevates your boating experience to a new level, the design redefines the market for leisure boats, breaking down the price barrier between electric boating and 30ft.+ luxury vessels with traditional propulsion. As a sustainable boat, it features expansive roof […]

RAND Roamer 29 Boat Invites You to Embrace Uncharted Waters

RAND Roamer 29 Boat Invites You to Embrace Uncharted Waters

Luxurious RAND Roamer 29 Boat has been designed to invite you to explore, enjoy, and connect with the sea. It’s a high-performance boat perfect for your next adventure that would redefine the art of maritime exploration, promising a unique blend of comfort and usability. The boat would match your mood for thrilling adventures on water, […]

Caracat 860 Caravan Catamaran – It’s Part of Boat and Part of Camper

Caracat 860 Caravan Catamaran – It’s Part of Boat and Part of Camper

Caracat 860 is a 8,6m caravan catamaran that combines best of worlds. It’s part of boat and part of camper, a superstructure vehicle that can be used both on land and at sea. The patented design allows two pontoons that swing out, allowing Caracat 860 turns into either a relaxing boat or a nice camper. […]