Electric Guitar Concept As Tribute To Johnny Winter and Gibson Firebird Guitar

Electric Guitar Concept As Tribute To Johnny Winter and Gibson Firebird Guitar

Johnny Winter is an American blues guitarist and singer, for decades he has relied on his beloved Gibson Firebird guitar. This electric guitar concept is a combination of Gibson and Johnny Winter. Designer : Flavio Adriani

A Childhood Passion Inspired Flavio Adriani To Imagine And Create A Lamborghini In An Eco-Friendly Way

A Childhood Passion Inspired Flavio Adriani To Imagine And Create A Lamborghini In An Eco-Friendly Way

Flavio Adriani, the designer, created the Lamborghini Concept EV as a tribute to the man who changed everything about sportcars, Ferrucio Lamborghini. The design, the lines, the impact of the car derive from a beautiful, almost perfect combination of  the Diablo and Gallardo. The concept is not just about passion for Lamborghini, it also is […]


Porsche Design P’8950 50Y Iconic 3D Sunglasses for Men

Porsche Design has released its latest eyewear: Porsche Design P’ 8950 50Y Iconic 3D Sunglasses. Designed for men, this futuristic look eyewear is manufactured through 3D printing process from titanium powder. It breaks boundaries and sets a new dimension in eyewear design, this is what happen when premium titanium powder meets […]

Tuvie's Staff Picks
Lamborbiker was Inspired by Osmos Wheel and Lamborghini Countach

Lamborbiker was Inspired by Osmos Wheel and Lamborghini Countach

Recent creative designers are outlaying many different bikes now a days but Lamborbiker seems like crossed everyone’s imagination. The idea of this long desired design was derived from Marcello Gandini, chief designer of Bertone and a freelance designer since 1980, and Osmos wheel and Lamborghini Countach played the key role for inspiration. Flavio, the designer […]