Cell Alpha is a triphonic speaker that marks a new standard in spatial sound. It’s a revolution in home audio that would transform your space info a field of clear, immersive sound that places you at the center of your favorite music or entertainment. It has most bass in the smallest package, along with clean and deep sound at any volume. The three horn system projects sound with pinpoint accuracy.
Cell Alpha transforms your listening to feeling, experience the sound. Through this object-based sonic architecture, you get to hear, see, and perhaps touch sounds, you have full control with precise placement. Place this sound wherever you want, layer it, magnify it, move it, or shrink it, this triphonic audio handles everything.
Cell Alpha Triphonic Speaker by Syng delivers your favorite music/sound all around you, it envelopes you with anything you want to hear. No front or back, left or right, just one cell speaker that creates a room-filling sound field. The design makes it more articulate and more spacious than any other single speaker. Imagine when you have two cells to fill every inch of your space, wherever you place them, they will always work together to bring singular sound around you. It promises the most flexible speaker pair on Earth.