As its name suggests, Subway LCD watch concept from Peter Fletcher was inspired by subway line or underground train maps. This watch displays random numbers on its face and there’s a line that will connect those numbers so that user can read the time easily, just like a subway map that we usually see. Without the line, those numbers are meaningless, simply push a button to activate the line (or preferable touch sensitive screen). Once activated, the always on LCD display will animate chain links until it connects to the appropriate numbers all together to inform user about the time or date. Numbers are linked sequentially in order in which they should be read.
Designer : Peter Fletcher for [TokyoFlash]
Subway LCD watch design stands out among others due to its simple and intuitive way to tell the time. Stylish and easy to operate, cool animations can be unique entertainment as well.
I hope this goes on sale you should try and sell the concept onto storm watches they like these types of watches. If you do get a deal from storm then let me have one for free please!!! Lovein the watch
Very kind of you to comment Andrew. Your rignt Andrew I should try storm if Tokyoflash turn out to be not interested in this design. Cheers for the tip and I would happily send you one if it ever got made! 😀