You can build relationship with algae in your home, start home algae farming with The Coral. It’s a start to bring sustainability in your life, The Coral is an indoor micro-algae farm that provides many benefits into your everyday lives. Most people ignore Algae while it actually plays a critical role in our ecosystem and sustainability. Algae are one of efficient CO2 scrubbers in the air, in fact, it is ten times greater CO2 fixation than terrestrial plants. Even NASA uses algae as dietary supplements on long-term space missions, it’s considered as most ideal food for mankind because it has rich and well-balanced nutritional content.
Designed by Hyunseok An, The Coral indoor algae farm might seem weird idea at first, since we usually tend to associate algae with negative feelings such as gross, mossy, and slimy. It’s because algae usually live in moist condition on land such as pond, damp brickwork, or most damp surfaces, those are all unpleasant situations. Those conditions influence our perception of algae, we underestimate its values and most often than not, we try to eliminate it from our environment.
The Coral has been designed to rebuild our relationship with algae. This algae farm features wall-mounted bioreactor that proposes a daily ritual for algae consumption through home algae farming activities. Each culture cell in the four-by-four grid wall fame, it contains around 2 grams of algae when it turns to dark green. The 16 cells in the frame is enough to grow and eat algae every day, each cell has a biweekly cycle, enough to replenish after harvesting. Grow your own food at home, it’s a sustainable alternative to supply your nutritional diets.
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