Everyone has the right to enjoy a hot cup of tea, making tea is a breeze, however, not all of us can easily do that, especially for visually impaired people. Special TeaTime has been designed to overcome this situation. It is a tea thermos with many features to ease visually impaired people making tea at anytime and anyplace of day. This thermos is equipped with a movable button that indicates water level in the thermos, in this way, visually impaired people can identify the amount of water by reading the ml measurement in braille as well as checking the height of the button. The timer function on the lid of Special TeaTime is attached to the infuser, it allows the infuser to automatically lift out of the water at pre-set time. No more hassle in taking out the teabag by measuring the time based on the tea type.
Designer : Lee Halim
Special TeaTime reduces any unnecessary actions and focuses on information that is obtained by touch. The internal material that is used to move the water level button swells and controls the height of the button to match the level of rising water. When the infuser has completely lifted, a bell will ring to let the user know that the tea is ready. Special TeaTime design improves the way visually impaired people making their tea.