Inspired by tradition, Solo Stove has created wood-fired pizza oven, Pi. It’s a modern pizza oven for everyone, where you can easily make wood-fired pizzas that impress your guests. But just in case you want something practical, you can also bake with propane, just add on the gas burner. It’s a stand-alone pizza oven that would improve your special moments, a perfect addition to any modern backyard.
Solo Stove promises smokeless fires as Pi works independently from Solo Stove fire pits. The intuitive design makes it ideal for beginners and pizza enthusiasts, create your pizza along with all your favorite toppings, this pizza oven provides a relaxed approach to craft your pizza, bake longer with less fuel thanks to its heat distribution with minimal heat loss. [Buy It Here]
Dual fuel feature allows you to combine authenticity and modern convenience of pizza making without compromise. Pi Pizza Oven is designed to adapt to propane fuel, simply add Pi accessory, gas burner. The design features demi-dome construction along with wide opening allow for maneuvering and launching your pizza easily, it fuels your fire as easy as setting the table. Making an incredible pizza everyday is not impossible anymore.
This unit is so good that Solo Stove promises a lifetime warranty, a well made oven produces a well-made pizza. [Buy It Here]